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Full Name: Casimir
Nicknames: Cassy

Titles: N/A
Race: Leonada

Gender: Male

Creation Date: 7/12/2020

Visible Age: Appears to be about 26

Mane: Fluffy and Black

Fur Colour: Black

Eyes: Heterochromatic, Blue and Red

Height: 8 ft | 243 cm

Weight: 790 lbs | 358 kg 

Build: Tall and buff

Place of Residence: Enchanter's Way

Relationship: Married to Myan Devante and Indemira Debussy

Sexual Orientation: Learn in RP


Casimir is an 8 ft/243 cm fall anthro lion with dark gray fur with black striped markings. He takes pride in having a well groomed and fluffy mane as it is one of his core defining features as a male lion. He is quite often is seen wearing colourful silks embroidered with golden treads and adorned with gemstones. While he may look quite regal, his foot falls are quiet as his heterochromatic eyes dart around the scene, taking note of valuables and escape routes.


Personality: Casimir is an outgoing and friendly individual. He’s quick-witted and enjoys striking up conversations. To him, a simple chat can reveal a lot about a person, including subtle nuances like how they prefer to be spoken to and what they want to hear. The lion often uses this knowledge to his advantage.

He is aware of others' perceptions of him. In the past, Casimir was more than happy to exploit this perception to avoid extra work or responsibilities. However, it quickly became apparent that this strategy wouldn’t work long-term, especially after he befriended members of the ruling nobility. There were certain expectations and social obligations the lazy feline had to follow. As a result, he is learning to become a more dependable person.

Casimir’s most common source of trouble stems from his impulsiveness. He often acts with the mindset of enjoying the moment and leaving his future self to untangle the mess he creates. While he does enjoy a bit of chaos, the lion is slowly realising that his reckless actions no longer affect only him.

Due to his long-standing familiarity with certain traits and quirks, some habits are difficult to shed. Not only does he find this somewhat embarrassing, but he also carries mild anxiety about not being seen as a "real" person. As such, he finds it hard to open up about his past and would rather lie to maintain the illusion of being normal.


Naps. Milk. Fish. His family.



Baths are a long and tedious process where nobody likes the smell of a wet lion.



Quick on his feet. Adaptable. His friendly outgoing nature. His glorious mane. Well Connected.



Catnip. Short, dark and voluptuous women. Colourblind. Lazy. 


As for physical weaknesses - Casimir is mortal and will die if he sustains enough damage.

For a full comprehensive list: refer to this document.



Though he will never admit it, he does favour Indemira over Myan. He does his best to hide his preference, knowing it would hurt and devastate his favourite vulpine.


Casimir is a magical creature who has assumed many forms throughout his life. While he may have started life as a normal house cat sensitive to magic, years of exposure to it have transformed him. To some extent, he still believes he is the same old cat he once was. However, Casimir’s forked tail is a clear indication to the world that he is not.

Nekomatas, in mythology, are old cats who have lived long lives, often having ties to the dead or becoming skilled in pyromancy. Depending on how they were treated during their long lives, they could emerge as vengeful demons or mischievous troublemakers. These felines were often seen as too troublesome to keep alive.

These powerful cats sometimes had the ability to magically shift their appearance into either a humanoid form or a large, fanged beast, often influenced by where and how they lived. Due to Casimir’s positive connections and associations with humans, he happily adopted a humanoid form to live among them with ease.

However, after coming into contact with eldritch beings, Casimir’s own magic was tainted by their presence. This resulted in his humanoid form becoming corrupted into a bestial lion form. While he was initially distraught by his new appearance, he has since learnt to embrace it.

When asked what exactly he is, Casimir finds it much easier to give a quick, somewhat inaccurate answer. To him, most people neither understand nor empathise with his true nature. If asked today, Casimir would simply respond with “Leonada,” the name of the race given to his offspring. While his progeny lack many of his features, it is the closest approximation.


Casimir was a carefree cat for the longest time. During his time as a familiar, he would watch the world pass by while others always seemed to rush towards an unachievable goal. Yet, each day yielded the same certainties and routines. Regardless of what happens, there is always going to be a tomorrow.

On occasion, the nekomata noticed a string of chaotic events that would lead to change. The cause of this chaos was immaterial, as it is a crucial factor for life to thrive. Casimir often embraces chaos, believing it will lead to an interesting and beneficial outcome.

However, there comes a time in every nekomata’s life when they must eventually step into the complicated world of people. Part of living is making mistakes and falling short. Yet, what separates him from a common beast is owning up and taking responsibility for his actions.


Mana Regen:
Being born a magical creature, Casimir regenerates his mana pool at a steady rate. He regains +1 spell cast every 3 turns.

Magic Sense:
Under Zelena’s tutelage, Casimir has learnt the ability to sense the flow of magic. While this magical sight does not convey everything perfectly, it gives him a rough estimation of what is magical. Using this ability, it is impossible to distinguish intent or the difference between illusion and physical magic. The lion can sense what is magical up to 60 ft / 18 m in front of him.

Cat Form:
As Casimir was once a familiar, he can assume the form of a domestic cat. This form retains his colouration, markings, eye colour, and split tail. In this form, all physical damage is reduced to 1.

The Veil of Death
(Only works on his home world or worlds where the souls of the dead linger.)

As a nekomata, Casimir is able to see and converse with the souls of the dead. With this skill, he often gains information and insight that would otherwise have been lost to the world. However, this ability takes a heavy emotional toll. The souls he interacts with are often bitter, confused, or sad, and their stories of demise are graphic and detailed. As a result, Casimir frequently tries to ignore them.


The majority of Casimir’s strength comes from his ability to dissuade opponents with his silver tongue. However, there are times when diplomacy fails, and one must take up arms to defend themselves and their loved ones. Casimir is no different; beneath his friendly demeanour is a fierce protector ready to defend his pride.

Through Florentina’s training, Casimir has bolstered his strength and honed his skill in wielding a sword staff. He uses these abilities in tandem with his feline agility and stealth to gain the upper hand in combat. In his current form, Casimir can lift up to 1,900 lbs / 861 kg and run at speeds of up to 35 mph / 56 kph.


Casimir is extraordinarily fortunate to have married the head enchantress, Indemira. Consequently, his gear has been lovingly crafted to suit him, and the lion wears it with pride and grace. Each piece of enchanted gear, unless stated otherwise, has five uses. Each use of the enchantment lasts for four turns.

Chameleon Cloak:
A cloak that mimics the light and texture of its surroundings, used to obscure the wearer.

Boots of Silence and Ice Walking:
An enchantment placed on a pair of boots to keep the wearer’s steps silent and negate any penalties when walking on ice.

Hoarfrost Sword Staff:
A finely crafted sword staff made of blue-grey metal and light blue amethyite crystals. Amethyite crystals are known to be as hard as steel, but more susceptible to blunt force damage. The blade is cool to the touch and increases the wielder's effectiveness with cryomancy spells by 25%. Casimir also possesses several enchanted jewellery items that passively increase his endurance, strength, and resistances.


Ring of Fortitude:
Grants 10% physical resistance.

The Lion’s Necklace:
Grants the wearer +10% physical resistance.

Bracers of Magic Resistance:
Grants the wearer 20% magic resistance.

Banana Hammock of Fertility:
Handcrafted and made with love. Hidden from sight, it grants Casimir a 20% increase to his Endurance and Constitution.

Tail Bands of Speed:
Increases Casimir’s speed and agility by 10%.


Casimir is proficient in two forms of elemental magic: Cryomancy and Zephermancy. He commonly uses his sword staff to channel his icy spells, delivering devastating strikes or catching an opponent off guard.

Spell List

Soothing Breeze: 

A cool breeze that clears area effects such as poisonous gasses, fog, dust clouds from the battlefield in a 30 ft | 9 m area.  Not effective in closed spaces.


Tempest Swirl:

By controlling the winds around him, Casimir creates a swirl of wind in a 15ft | 5m area that can knock up clouds of dust and debris to reduce visibility and eliminate smell or spread an area affecting spells outwards.



Casimir imbues the blade of his weapon with a chilling frost that lasts for 3 turns. Thus allowing him to substitute his physical damage for cryomancy. When his attack connects opponents also receive a -10% to all damage reduction. This debuff only lasts for 2 turns.

Ice Rink:

With a battlefield covered in water, Casimir uses use his magic to freezes a 30 ft | 9 m area around him.

Ice Bolt:

Casimir fires a 4 ft | 10 cm frozen bolt of magic at his opponents with a range of 80 ft | 24 m. 


Gale Burst:

Using his Zephermancy and sword staff in tandem, Casimir knocks his opponent into the air. His opponents fall to the ground on their turn.


Casimir summons a burst of wind as he strikes with his sword staff to knock down opponents and clear any environmental effects.



Casimir began life as a simple house cat, born into a prestigious line of familiars, making him the ideal companion for a spell caster. When he was old enough, he was adopted by a magic professor, tasked with serving until the end of his days. Life was straightforward: playing, napping, eating, and getting into all kinds of mischief.

However, life’s simplicity soon became more complex when the professor performed a familiar binding ritual, magically linking himself to Casimir. This ritual allowed the professor to extend his will and magic through his familiar. Though this magic significantly lengthened Casimir’s lifespan, it came with a price. At times, Casimir would lose his autonomy, and occasionally he became the subject of experimental spells.

Despite these complications, Casimir was content. No matter what happened, his master showered him with affection and treats. He was still able to be the carefree cat he had always been. Much to his owner’s dismay, Casimir often slipped away from the estate to prowl the streets, causing trouble with the local female cats.

However those simple days came to an abrupt end. The professor passed away, leaving Casimir heartbroken and alone. The bonds that had defined his existence were irreparably shattered. Yearning to reunite with his master, he became a burden passed between the professor’s family and friends, who expected the ageing cat to die soon.


However, Casimir was just as lively as he had been as a kitten. The professor's magic still coursed through him, extending his life far beyond normal. As the years passed, Casimir began to notice a growing connection with death. He observed many people passing on, and with this growing affinity, his tail split in two — a sign of his transformation. Casimir, once an ordinary house cat, could now see the boundary between the living and the dead, and hear the souls of the departed crying out with their regrets. His once-simple life was becoming more complicated.

This new awareness led Casimir to question his own mortality and purpose. What he had once dismissed as "people things" became more meaningful as he observed the complexities of human behaviour — their motivations, their actions. Even abstract concepts like good and evil began to make sense to him.

Realising that he needed to become part of the world he had grown to understand, Casimir tapped into the residual magic within him and practised until he could transform into a humanoid form. With the help of the family who had been caring for him, he learned the basic skills needed to survive in human society. At first, Casimir was naïve. His sheltered life made him easy prey for scammers and tricksters, and he frequently found himself in trouble. But over time, he learned that not everyone had his best interests at heart.

Once he had settled into a more confident persona, Casimir found work as an apprentice locksmith, with a side job as a gopher for the local mafia. His tasks were simple: checking prices, delivering discreet messages, finding out where certain people lived, and so on. His involvement was largely superficial — all he had to do was keep quiet about his role, complete the job, and get paid. No strings attached.

Even with these gigs, it eventually became clear to Casimir that he couldn’t play the fool forever. It was strange how many ghosts lingered around the organisation, particularly those burdened with regrets. The more he thought about the organisation, the less sense it made to him. He realised the only way to uncover the truth was to join them and observe, pinpointing exactly where the corruption was hidden.

The organisation’s main goal was to restore magic and life to their dying world. They primarily achieved this by sending capable individuals to other worlds to establish trade routes for magic. Casimir’s initial role was as part of a fledgling strike team, which was sent out to quickly subdue problems and earn favours with other worlds.

While the adventures and fascinating locales were enjoyable, one thing troubled the perceptive cat. The border between life and death seemed to stretch endlessly, and something felt off. Some ghosts remained willingly, as though they were part of a larger plot, while others cried out in protest.

Despite his attempts to communicate with the ghosts, they refused to provide clear answers. Instead, they pressured Casimir to uncover the loose threads on his own. In his limited free time, he delved into dusty tomes and old records, searching for the chain of events that had set everything in motion.

From the organisation’s perspective, Casimir’s talents seemed misaligned. Although he held his own on the strike force, the seemingly lackadaisical cat appeared better suited to bookkeeping and translating records. To Casimir’s displeasure, this mundane job brought him closer to the heart of the organisation, where they could keep a closer watch on him.


Biography: Verdant Dynasty

One morning, on his way to work, Casimir found himself inexplicably aboard a train. Each compartment of the train seemed to cater to the whims and desires of its passengers. He wracked his brain trying to recall how he had ended up there. Yet, upon inspecting his condition, there were no signs of a struggle, no evidence of a fight, nor any residual effects of being drugged. The one thing all the passengers had in common was that none of them knew how they got there.

Refusing to sit idly by until the train reached its unknown destination, Casimir teamed up with Florentina Jorgenskull, Kan-Xib-Yui, Etienne, and Garnot Alleyne to send a complaint to the conductor, asserting they had been unjustly imprisoned. Through Casimir’s cunning, Xib’s prowess with a log, and mostly Florentina’s raw strength, their complaint was heard, and they were set free.

Casimir found himself in a strange new world, where his new friend Florentina, Princess of the Verdant Dynasty and Ruler of the Swamp, took pity on the off-worlders. She welcomed them into her home and provided them with whatever they needed to retrain and integrate into society. Seizing this golden opportunity, Casimir chose to enhance his physical abilities under Florentina's guidance and used her connections to study magic under Lady Zelena.

What was intended to be a routine meeting with the studious Oni, Lady Zelena, became a pivotal moment for the feline. There, he met the captivating Lady Myan, whose charm and tenacity led to an invigorating fling. To Casimir’s shock, in one of the most awkward conversations imaginable, Zelena informed him that, due to the Nokhoi customs, he had been unknowingly married at first sight.

Before he could fully grasp the gravity of the situation, Casimir unwittingly activated an artefact that brought him face-to-face with one of the leaders of the world’s enemies, the Defiled. During the encounter, he learned of the world’s ongoing struggles and discovered a bitter truth: his own world had been overrun by these monstrous creatures. As the meeting concluded, the leader attempted to kill them.

However, Casimir and his companions soon found themselves in a new location—a cosy manor—where they met the progenitor of House Devante and an ancient human disguised as one of the elder gods of this world. Casimir went through the motions, hiding his unease behind a facade of cockiness. When negotiations broke down once again, the crimson menace known as Samara stormed the scene to stage a rescue. Before departing, she dramatically announced Casimir’s accidental marriage and displayed her godly powers to all present.

After exchanging pleasantries, the group finally returned home, and Casimir was reunited with his understandably grumpy new wife. Using his charm and wit, he managed to placate her for the time being, though he felt woefully unprepared for such a large commitment. He dreaded the idea of upsetting her, fearing what her formidable mother and brother might do to him. Yet, waking up beside the pink-furred vulpine each morning served as a delicate reminder that, despite everything, things were going to be okay.

While the Defiled had taken his old family, Casimir came to terms with the fact that he now had a new one—one he vowed not to take for granted. With that realisation, he accepted his role as a dutiful and loving husband.

During his training under Florentina, Casimir met several new faces. There was the womanising Sukegei, whose flirtatious charm irritated the feline, especially as his eyes often lingered on Casimir’s wife. Roha, on the other hand, left little impression with his dry demeanour and average appearance. But the biggest surprise came when Casimir met Indemira, the enchantress. A woman of sophistication, grace, and elegance, she stood out amidst the group.

Indemira’s bombastic personality was impossible to ignore—she effortlessly commanded the attention of everyone around her. In some ways, her domineering nature reminded Casimir of his wife, and it wasn’t long before he found himself harbouring a secret crush on her. Wanting to remain faithful, he did his best to avoid the captivating varkenkun.

The routine of training was gruelling. Every day began before dawn and stretched on until their muscles ached, only for the training to continue. Casimir longed for a few days off to recover, but he knew the giantess trainer would claim he was only cheating himself. So, he endured the relentless schedule in silence while his wife cheered him on.

As the days passed, Indemira developed a playful habit of teasing the boys, and Casimir secretly delighted in watching her train, especially as she would often flaunt her assets. Slowly but surely, she chipped away at his resolve. One evening, Casimir found her alone, watching the sunset. A simple conversation led to an outpouring of the emotions he had kept bottled up. Eventually, the two succumbed to their desires, embarking on a secret affair.

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