Greetings! As it may have come to your attention, each character of mine has a plethora of weaknesses as they are mortal. Rather than reiterate what weaknesses they have on their sheet; I have found it more convenient to create this post as an easy reference guide. If there are important items on this list missing feel free to contact me via the contact us page.
Each of my moral character weaknesses are as follows:
A fatal weakness as the character’s head is removed.
Extreme exposure to radiation
This causes nausea and vomiting within hours; however this results in death within 2-14 days.
Caused by water entering the lungs. Death occurs within 3-4 minutes.
Death caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. This can be caused by strangulation, choking, drowning, allergic reactions and/or untreated asthma.
Death caused by the body not being able to get enough calories to function.
The body ceases to function due to a lack of water. Death usually occurs in 3 days - depending on the environmental factions.
Consumed by a black hole
With our current understanding of black holes, a person would be torn apart along with space and time.
Drug overdose
Accidental or intentional consumption of drugs can lead to a person being unaware, cause seizures and even death.
Alcohol poisoning
By consuming too much alcohol this poisons the bloodstream and kills the person.
Untreated infections
An infected wound that is caused to fester thus toxifying the blood, usually causing death.
When a person self-terminates due to untreated mental health illnesses.
Food poisoning
Eating poorly maintained food causes Nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. In worst cases even death.
Contaminated food
See food poisoning.
Contaminated water
See food poisoning.
Toxic substances
Exposure to natural or man made toxins that causes fatal reactions causing death.
Heavy metals in the bloodstream
See toxic substances.
Medical malpractice
By receiving the wrong medical diagnosis, administered the wrong medication or attended to by a fake doctor can severely injure or cause death.
Acts of Arson
See incineration.
Explosive forces
Being in close proximity to an explosion causes a swift death.
Natural toxins
See toxic substances
Death caused by being burnt to death by fire.
Falling into a volcano
See Incineration.
Death caused by extreme cold.
Death caused by extreme heat.
See asphyxiation.
Radiation poisoning
See extreme exposure to radiation.
See asphyxiation.
Radiation poisoning
See extreme exposure to radiation.
Devoured by a carnivorous plant
Eaten and dissolved by a carnivorous plant for nutrients.
Death caused by the skin and muscles turning to stone. Commonly caused by gorgons, basilisks and cockatrices.
Internet challenges gone wrong
A viral challenge where a person consumes a dangerous substance such as ice bucket, tide pods and cinnamon challenge. Such a challenge may go awry and leave permanent damage or death.
See Asphyxiation.
Nutrient deficiencies
Without a balanced and varied diet, the body slowly shuts down and the person dies.
Vacuum of space
Due to the loss of pressure, dissolved gasses are pulled from the body thus causing the blood to boil.
See Toxic substances.
Blood loss
Death caused by loss of blood.
Losing the will to live due to being trapped in an unstimulating environment.
Vehicle Collisions:
Death occurs from the severe trauma sustained during high-speed impacts, leading to internal bleeding, organ damage, or blunt force injuries.
Occupational Hazards:
Fatalities arise from accidents in high-risk jobs, such as construction, mining, or chemical handling, often due to falls, machinery malfunctions, or toxic exposure.
Falling from great heights:
The impact from falling from significant heights causes critical injuries or immediate death due to the immense force exerted on the body upon impact.
Lightning strikes:
A lightning strike can cause cardiac arrest, severe burns, and neurological damage, often resulting in death due to the high voltage electrical current.
Sustaining lethal amounts of damage:
Extensive physical injuries, such as multiple fractures, severe blood loss, or organ failure, lead to death when the body cannot recover from the trauma.
Blunt force trauma:
Severe impact injuries, such as those caused by a heavy object or collision, result in internal bleeding, brain injuries, or organ rupture, leading to death.
Spontaneous Combustion:
Though largely theoretical and unexplained, spontaneous combustion involves a person mysteriously bursting into flames and being consumed by fire from within.
Quantum Entanglement:
Death could occur from the theoretical collapse or distortion of reality, resulting in the disintegration of the person's molecular structure.
Auto-immune disease:
The body's immune system attacks its own tissues, leading to organ failure and death if the disease progresses unchecked and causes significant damage.
Time travel paradoxes:
Engaging in time travel can create paradoxes that lead to existential anomalies, potentially erasing the individual from existence or causing catastrophic temporal events.
Alien abduction:
In the context of fatality, an abduction could lead to death through experimentation, exposure to unknown pathogens, or being left in a hostile environment.
Supernatural entities:
Death occurs due to encounters with ghosts, demons, or other supernatural beings that can cause fatal fright, possession, or physical harm beyond natural means.
Psionic Overload:
Overuse or excessive strain of psychic abilities can lead to fatal cerebral hemorrhages, brain damage, or total nervous system collapse.
Divine wrath:
Angering a deity can result in death through divine punishment, such as being struck down by a bolt of energy or suffering a plague.
Falling off stairs:
A fatal fall down a flight of stairs can cause severe head injuries, broken bones, or spinal damage, leading to death.
Skydiving parachute failure:
When a parachute fails to deploy, the skydiver plummets to the ground, resulting in death from the high-impact collision with the surface.
Uncontrolled cell growth leads to the spread of malignant tumors, which can disrupt vital organ functions and result in death if untreated or untreatable.
A stroke, caused by a blockage or rupture of blood vessels in the brain, can lead to death due to extensive brain damage and loss of critical bodily functions.
Natural Disasters:
Fatalities from earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, or tornadoes often occur due to drowning, blunt force trauma, or being crushed by debris.
Nuclear Fallout:
Exposure to nuclear fallout results in acute radiation sickness, leading to death from massive internal organ damage, cancer, or radiation burns.
Death from stabbing can occur due to severe blood loss, punctured organs, or infection if vital areas are targeted and medical intervention is not immediate.
Crushed by a large object:
Being crushed under a heavy object causes fatal injuries such as extensive internal damage, broken bones, or asphyxiation due to pressure.
Energy Weaponry:
Advanced weaponry such as laser or plasma guns can cause fatal injuries by burning, disintegrating, or vaporizing tissues instantly.
Severe pneumonia, an infection causing the lungs to fill with fluid, can lead to death by respiratory failure if untreated, especially in vulnerable individuals.
Mauled by wild animals:
Attacks by wild animals like bears or big cats can cause fatal injuries from bites, claw wounds, or being overpowered and killed.
Mauled by domesticated animals:
Even domesticated animals, such as large dogs, can cause death through severe bites, crushing injuries, or mauling if they become aggressive.
Trampled to death:
Being trampled by a crowd or herd of animals can cause fatal injuries due to severe blunt force trauma, internal bleeding, or asphyxiation from being crushed.
Meteor Strike:
The immense kinetic energy released upon impact would create a massive explosion, causing immediate death through intense heat, shockwaves, and debris.
Terrorist Attack:
Violent acts such as bombings, shootings, or biological attacks would cause death through direct physical trauma, blood loss, or exposure to lethal substances.
Prion Disease:
These infectious proteins cause neurodegenerative conditions, leading to brain damage, loss of bodily functions, and ultimately death as the nervous system fails.
Brain Eating Parasites:
Organisms such as Naegleria fowleri infect the brain, causing severe inflammation, brain tissue destruction, and ultimately death as critical brain functions cease.
Over Exertion:
Excessive physical strain can lead to fatal conditions like heat stroke, cardiac arrest, or severe dehydration, overwhelming the body's ability to maintain homeostasis.