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Valerie Vaquier


Age: Adult

Height: 187 cm | 6’ 2”

Weight: 79kg | 170lbs

Hair Colour: Blue

Eye Colour: Green

Class: Rogue

Race: Satyxis

System: D&D5e



Valerie was born in a village in the Scharde Islands. The mountainous landscape kept the Satyxis rather isolated, and hidden from the rest of the advancing world. Only the strong were allowed to embark on journeys to the mainland. The Satyxises prefer to keep to themselves as the racial discrimination continues to be a hindrance.


In this hidden village, they train their girls to become effective warriors. Dulling their sense of mercy and compassion thus fostering a sense of cruelty and animosity. Some of these girls would become pirates, mercenaries and those like Valerie were expected to become spies and assassins.


Her usual routines were rather dull. Wake up at first light to do basic exercise. Make breakfast. Head to class to learn where to strike a foe. Learn how to be an elegant woman for infiltration. Learn which roles are best suited for subterfuge. The list went on.


The only respite to this monotonous routine was moonlighting under her father’s tutelage. Every so often the pair would get into all sorts of mischief. Whether it be stealing the village elder's favorite frying pan, infiltrating a noble's party to slipping fake love letters into people’s pockets. Whatever he taught Valerie she absorbed it like a sponge.


After Valerie graduated from her training, her father encouraged her to make a life for herself rather than just wasting her talents staying at home. After much persuasion she agreed to go to Corvis to seek work and make a name for herself.



For most of Valerie’s life, learning how to wear a mask and perfect it, was all part of the job. A friendly disposition, excited for hard work and a happy-go-lucky smile was people’s favorite persona of hers.


In reality, she’s just going through motions just trying to make it through another day. She is proud of her skills but understands that she has a long way to go to become a master assassin. As such the quality she focuses on is being tight lipped and callous. Thus making her a rather selfish individual.

Dungeon Master's Questions

Who or what did you leave behind?  Family, friends, debt, inheritance, stable job, way of life, ect.

â­† Stability, friends, family.


Are you a new temp hire in the watch or have been part of it for longer?

â­† New temptory hire. Those Mercenaries aren’t going to clean up after themselves so therefore they need a maid to keep things nice and tidy to feign somewhat of a professional vibe. Plus working for the city watch allows her to hear some juicy gossip while nobody suspects a thing.


Who are you working for?  Are you your own agent?  Are you working for Cryx/Scharde Isles?  Someone else?

â­† On her father’s behest, she went to strike it on her own on the mainland. She ended up meeting Forge’s character and joining his mercenary group. It has provided an excellent cover and reputation to co-exist in the hostile world.


Are you actually a maid or is that just your cover?

â­† Being a maid is a perfect cover. Nobody suspects things or anything more from a domestic servant. Makes life just a smidgen easier.


Where do your loyalties lie?

â­† Valerie is loyal to her family, friends and her paycheck.


What do you think of Pirate Queen Skarre?  Is she a fashion icon with her chainmail mini skirt and stockings?

â­† “Her Fashion sense is none above par. However, in terms of practicality, it’s noisy, heavy and bulky. Not something like a light footed lady like myself should be wearing”



Who is your father?  Random assassin from the Scharde Isles?  Someone sort of important and overseeing an assassination program?  Just some guy?


â­†Valerie's father was a charming human assassin who managed to woo a Satyxis mercenary. She found him rather humorous and decided to take him home. His compliance made the whole ordeal much easier. Together they raised the blood of their enemies. They eventually went back to sytrix to settle down. 


Not all plans are successful, when Valerie was born it cost her mother her life. Leaving her father to raise his child alone, in a foreign land. Though his many attempts to leave the Isles with daughter were always stopped due to the leaders of the village. Someone had to take care of Valerie and she had to stay here when she was of age. And even when she was of age, she had to make her own choice to leave the hidden village.


Knowing that his charming nature wasn't going to work on these barbaric women. He made the best of the situation to teach Valerie his trade and to spoil his daughter.


Why did you leave that life behind?  Or what made you decide it was time to move on?


â­† It wasn't an easy decision for Valerie to make to leave the hidden village. All her friends, her mother's family and a bright future for herself was here. Yet at the same time, Valerie knew her fathers woes. He had given everything up to raise her.


Eventually she made the sacrifice to leave the village with her father to make their separate ways in the world.


What does your character want?


â­† In terms of immediate wants: pretty trinkets, fine goods, perfumes, nail polish, interesting ingredients to cook, more daggers, and for a certain party member to take a bath.


In terms of the future wants: Valerie wants to prove herself as a capable and promising assassin. By piggybacking off Kent's Merc group she knows that this will allow her to get the experience she needs to succeed. 

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