Roblynn Banks
Race: Human
Age: Adult
Height: 160cm
Weight: 87kg
Occupation: Self-employed Entrepreneur and Art Enthusiast
Blood Type: O-
Notable Abilities: Programmer

Roblynn is a creature of modest, subdued style and prefers to wear loose clothing to make xim feel more female-presenting to hide xir masculine features. Xim has a preference of wearing nerdy hoodies that currently reflect their interests. Whether it be video game related or NFT related, xem seems to have a hoodie for every kind of occasion.
Xim also dyes xir boring brown hair blue with purple streaks so that xir feels like they stand out of the crowd as they are not just some random static on a public record.
Growing up, Robylnn was expected to do a lot with their life. Learn Piano, study to ace every test, go to university and become a proud lawyer, get a wife and have offspring. That was the life that his parents wanted for them. Self expression and their interests were a waste of time.
Robylnn compiled, zombie-ing through life, completing one task after the other. That was until a special show about friendship and ponies that his little sister watched showed him the importance of being true to oneself and embracing your qualities that are unique to you.
That’s when it hits him like a truck, why spend all this time working to be a mindless cog in the machine when he could be himself. He pondered long and hard; just who was he as a person? What was his special talent? Was he just some rug for people to walk over?
These passing thoughts couldn’t be ignored, quietly Roblynn started to try new things. It was incredibly hard at first. His parents didn’t have the funds for him to try every hobby and skill under the sun. They were barely making ends meet as it was. It didn’t help that every time things started to look up that there would be a ‘once in a lifetime economic catastrophe’ every few years or so.
Rather than be dismayed at his failures and setbacks, he kept pushing on. He was just like the cutie-mark crusaders and he was determined to find talent. Eventually he found his mark, being a programmer with a special interest in hacking. He made some decent money as a bug hunter.
Being the quiet, non-confrontational boy that he was forced to go on a date with this rich girl that his parents set him up with. This girl has big expectations for what a “man” was supposed to be. Men were expected to be strong, determined, treating women like queens, defending their honour. However Roblynn wasn’t anything like that, he was calm, subdued, weak, he didn’t have a good job and was non-confrontational. The date ended rather poorly. His family questioned if he was even trying or if he was gay.
These jest and jeers left him stunted and confused. Being that the MLP community was always there for him when he needed it, he began asking around for advice. Thus lead him to the conclusion that his parents were draconian bigots and toxic masculinity is a real thing. This led him down a deeper and darker rabbit hole, where rather accepting the fact that he was male. Maybe his softer traits more delicate traits were more feminine in nature.
Defying the norms set out for her, he tried coming out to his family only to be shunned and turned away. Rather than putting up with this bigotry, Xir left to start a new life for herself. It was hard, something that Xir thought to be easy turned out to be soul crushing. She watched as her bosses were getting richer and richer from all her hard work whilst Xir was barely scraping by.
Thus the pandemic hit, at first all hope seemed to be lost. However a spark of hope ignited as her coder friends were pointing out how wild the stock market and crypto was. Rather than waste time giving second thoughts, Xir jumped in. Gaming the stock exchange was skimming some money from the Wall Street “Fat Cats” and crypto was the way to keep it out of their hands.
Roblynn is non-confrontational, with an open mind. She sees the world in black and white. There are good people, and evil people. Hardly any in between. She easily upsets and constantly worries what other people are thinking? Does Xir pass enough? Does Xir come off too strong when talking about her hobbies?
These questions constantly plague her as a good chunk of her childhood was suppressing her inner self from being the person who Xir was always meant to be. As such Xir is working on ways to get back at those who keep others stuck in the closet, blazing a pathway for them to break free.
When Xir’s not managing finances and working on projects, Xir enjoys getting commissions of her pony character and interacting with the broader MLP community. Whenever Xir does have spare income Xir does collect NFTs. She’s always finding new ways to express herself. Roblynn one day hopes that Xir can combine these two interest groups. However Xir has yet to find a willing artist.