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Kirito Derek Shinigami



Names are not chosen at birth, they are gifts that parents give their children to welcome them into the brand new world which they will call home until they die. Ren Taikutsu however did not like this gift given to him. This name was too mundane for one destined for greatness. He needed a name that would stand out above the crowd. A name that all who hear it will know it, will understand it and etch it into their hearts. Kirito Derek Shinigami. The perfect gift to give themselves when they just became of age.


Nicknames and Titles:

Kirito Derek Shinigami is a proud owner of many, self proclaimed, illustrious titles. His favorite in particular is calling himself: Edge of Tomorrow - Razorblade. However there are many colorful nicknames that others have bestowed upon him that he doesn’t acknowledge. He does however go by the name " xX_Ang31_Hunt3r_Xx” online.




Unkempt hair dyed an obsidian. All to allude the story that nothing truly matters in this world. For the world around us is an illusion and we must all concede to it. For this raven haired swordsman thinks that he is above such conventions and is thus trying to defy the world around him.



Eyes that reflect the darkness of a raining night. They posses a sorrow and lack of understanding about the world and reflect the soul within. These orbs are always searching for the truth, yet they are obscured by the facades of many. With his deep connection to his innate, gifted power, Kiritio Derek Shinigami can dispel the darkness within his eyes by emitting a crimson glow.



A delicate pale tone honed by years he has spent awake  arduously honing his craft in secrecy during the dead of night. The pale moonlight provides the perfect contrast to his luminescent skin compared to the scorching surge that bright day inflicts on unwilling victims.


Identifying Marks:

A clumsy warrior makes many mistakes when training with others or experimenting with moves that no mortal can comprend. Every action has consequences. Kirito has made such mistakes when trying to reach enlightenment and as such due to the misuse of such techniques and a poor fighting style he is covered in many fine and deep scars alike.




Born on a cold winter’s eve. This specimen has existed for eighteen years. Whatever the world throws at him. He stands defiant as it has not taken his life yet.



Born as male, this child was raised to become a simple man. But he is much more than that. He accepts what he was born as it doesn’t define what he is capable of becoming. He is not merely a man but will be something that transcends all.


A fickle topic as the fairer sex do not define him as ideal. This does not bother the great Kirito Derek Shinigami. Harlots are temporary, training his martial prowess is eternal. It is a lonely existence at the pinnacle of humanity. 



A great source of contention. Standing at a hundred and seventy two centimeters tall, Kirito often feels that he is inadequate despite this being the height of the average male human.


Due to his questionable diet of corn based foods and green liquids, it is miraculous that he weighs an astonishing fifty nine kilograms. Which is quite remarkable.



No matter how strong the ultimate being is, there are always gaps in their knowledge. Kirito Derek Shigami wishes to remedy this by closing this minuscule gap by furthering his education. Due to his vast knowledge on how the world works, he finds his classes incredibly dull, understimulating. He desperately wishes that these theatrics would be over so that he may continue living the life as a self employed wanderer.



One often wonders if they can change the stripes which they were born with. Many around the world would tell you that they would like features they were not born with. Something to make them stand out. For this human boy however, he would much prefer the grace and flexibility that being part cat would bestow.


The Backstory He Tells People:

It was a cold winter’s night. The snow was falling. Young Kirito was abandoned by his family and adopted by oppressing tyrants. They would control every aspect of his life, what he would wear, eat, who he allowed to talk to. Defying his adopted parents had severe consequences as he would find out. When he failed his test in school, his adopted parents sent him to solitary confinement for a month.


Kirito was born quirkless and untalented. He was the perfect test subject to be enrolled into a forced mutation program. The experiments were brutal, painful and exhausting. In the end, he was given a power that was scientifically proven to be the most useful one in existence. The ability to make things sharp.


With this great power comes great responsibility. However, the young Kirito wasn’t able to control his powers properly. Everyone he would interact with would be mortally wounded from the deep cuts he would give them when he lost control of his overwhelming power. This caused him great anguish as everyone around would disappear into a pool of crimson blood.  


With all the hate and scorn, Kirito was forced to go into hiding. Where he bided his time recovering from the battles he lost. He spent this time training in the cover of shadows only lit by the moon’s loving gaze. Learning and mastering the way of the blade. To fight back from his oppressors and to reclaim his honour and pride.


The Actual Backstory:

Ren Taikutsu was born to normal, strict parents and grew up as a normal, everyday child. He got his powers when everyone else did. The young boy had no natural talent for his ability and he had to train like everyone else. Due to his lack of control over his powers he would often give everyone around him the equivalent of paper cuts and nicks. This includes himself as he is covered in scars from accidental use for his abilities.


Having strict parents Ren was expected to study and to do well at school. With the pressure from school and home, Ren found it really hard to stay focused in class and failed a test. His parents were disappointed in his lack of studying and grounded him for a week. That week a concert of his favorite band was playing. Enraged by his punishment he vowed never to let his parents have that kind of control over him.

During this time Ren took an interest in bladed weaponry for example, the katana and shurikens. He was inspired by a popular anime character at the time. The character was cool to Ren. He was cool, calm, collected, always knew what to say, endured through the toughest of situations and at the end of the day he would always win using his effort alone. Ren was captured by these traits and wanted to adopt them. Maybe then he would be a cool person that everyone looked up to.


However mimicking these traits was a stark contrast from the kind gentle boy that Ren was. It was easily noticed. His peers and family would begin to question him, but Ren stood firm. He knew if this was going to work he would have to have the same resolve of the anime character that he admired. He began to fabricate a backstory for this new persona and literally live how his persona would live. Once he turned 18 he legally changed his name to Kirito Derek Shinigami.


In the darkness of night, Ren would often practice his quirk using the fighting styles of his favorite anime characters. He focused a lot of attention into his quirk trying to focus on being sharper, quicker and to have more control over his abilities.



A confident young man who is willing to prove himself at all odds. No matter what life throws at him, Kirito vows to stand tall and protect those who are weaker than himself. Being born as a gifted magician, he takes pride in doing things the hard, but true way. He would spend hours mulling over his skills, his craft. Much like a blacksmith honing the blade with a whetstone. With hard work, comes delicious fruits of his labour.


His inward confusion is merely a mask that he portrays to better himself. As they often say: “Fake it until you make it”



Using his Sharpen no Jitsu. The least advanced of the MANY ninja techniques he knows. Kirito is able to sharpen any edge to levels impossible to achieve by any NORMAL human's level. Usually used on his Demon Blood Katana or Dragon Tooth Shurikens, but can be used on any blade or edge he encounters. 


Using these LEGENDARY TECHNIQUES he one day strives to use his blade to cut through thick metal. Surely it has to be the angle that one cuts and not at all an impossible task. Such thinking is foolish and limits one’s potential.

Ability 1: Demon’s Blade

Kirito Derek Shinigami touches his blade before combat heightening its edge to be LEGENDARILY SHARP. He can slash through paper, rocks* and steel beams* with surgical precision using his Demon Blade Katana or an equivalent weapon. This ability only lasts for as long as he touches his weapon.


Ability 2: Leaf Kunai

Using only a faction of his ULTIMATE POWER, he can sharpen any leaf to be as dangerous as a kunai knife. The leaf’s edge is so sharp it cuts through the air, shredding anything it comes into contact with*.


*He can’t actually do this.



Being the perfect being that he is, Kirito Derek Shinigami possesses no weakness.*


*Untrue. He is a normal human. As such he has the endurance of a normal human in melee combat. In fact he has low stamina due to his unhealthy diet and nocturnal lifestyle.


Extra Tidbits


A perfect being is incapable of having fears, doubts and second thoughts. The pinnacle of humanity holds a heavy burden, one that few could even comprehend. Even when Kirito Derek Shinigami has to face the slanderous words of the mad, for they are more delusional than he is.



When evil slumbers, the great and powerful Kirito Derek Shinigami spreads his influence through the sacred texts across the four corners of the earth. These texts house many important people who are prophets, wizards, scholars and most importantly powerful swordsmen. A keen observant eye is required to fully comprehend these exemplary characters.



For the uninitiated among us, Kirito Derek Shinigami is an exemplary swordsman. Not a day goes past where he doesn’t train and hone his craft to the peak of perfection. For you see he takes great consideration of his movements, grace and power by using the exquisite examples of the masters of old.



Swords. The most refined weapon of them all. A master swordsman is nothing without a weapon that defines his philosophy and character. By his very nature, Kirito Derek Shinigami is always on the prowl for the ideal blade that will define him.



Even gods have a grand disdain for those who challenge and critique their perfect world. For who among the peasants are qualified to judge someone who is at the peak of perfection.


Zodiac Sign:

Born on a cold winter’s night in the northern hemisphere. Kirito Derek Shinigami is under the protective gaze of Sagittarius. A deity of adaptation and flexibility. The swordsman abides by this creed by using the environment around him and by performing his daily exercises.

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