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Race: Succubus

Nicknames: Cel, Celly, Forgetful B****

Gender: Prefers Being female

Age: Adult

Height: 170cm

Weight: 64kg

Occupation: Failed Assassin

Class: Unemployed.

Notable Abilities: Forgetful


Celeste was born to a family of bad people. Her bad family was good at killing people. This job is commonly known as assassins. She was expected to learn how to be good at this. Unfortunately for her, Celeste was hurt really badly in training accident and now she had trouble remembering things, this is known commonly as amnesia. Life was hard for her. Every time she learnt something new, or met a new face she would forget who they were. Because of this she was unable to become an assassin. 


It takes all of her effort to pretend to be normal. She spends most of her time writing in her journal to keep a note of what happened to her and what she has done.



Celeste is a sweet girl who tries her very best to fit in. She tries to be kind to people who don’t understand her. But it is very hard and he often gets upset and angry at them. She feels bad for being so forgetful. So she tries her hardest to make people like her. She hope to one day find a friend who will understand her.




All succubi are born with the ability to change or alter their bodies whenever they feel like it. They can change their hair colour, eye colour and even their body’s shape. Some Succubi, like Celeste are talented enough to change into the other gender.



Celeste can make fire appear out of her hands. Using her magic she can use this fire to melt candles, light fires and burn people.



→ With enough magic, she can make her fire very hot causing 4th degree burns, which are burns that really hurt and take a long time to heal.

→ Celeste is a talented shapeshifter. A person who can change their shape.

→ She can tie a knot in a cherry stem.



→ Magic takes a lot of energy to use. When she uses her magic too much she becomes tired and unable to focus. Her own magic can burn her.

→ Because of her amnesia it is hard for her to keep track of what she looked like when talking to different people.

→ She often forgets that she can do this.



→ Long term relationships.

→ Your charms.



→ Memory altering abilities.



→ Having sleepovers with people.

→ Fruits.

→ Writing.



→ Cacti.

→ Forgetting things.

→ Cucumbers.

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