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Agimar Aefaren


Race: Half dark elf

Gender: Male

Fighting style: Greatsword

Height: 154cm | 5'1 ft

Weight: 80kg

Sexuality: Not your type

Occupation: Mercenary

System: pathfinder 1e


Though not all dark elf are suited to surface life, there are a special few who are adapted to it. They are often used as infiltrators, someone to keep tabs on the surface world. Sometimes these dark elf infiltrators would desert as they find people who show them a new way of life. A life full of peace and warmth under the sun.


Agimar and Briar’s father was no different, he met a beautiful, vampire hunter, a half-vampire who wanted revenge for all the suffering that vampires cause her and her family. Despite her hardships, she still found a way to love life. Eventually the two of them got together to raise a set of twins.


Growing up was a mixed experience for Agimar and Briar. Their mixed heritage was often the source of ire among the two. People ostracized and ridiculed them for their heritage. As a response to this, their family moved and built a cozy home away from the harshness of modern societies.


Though their parents did love them dearly, they were often cold and distant as they truly believed that this would make the twins independent and strong. The parents took turns teaching the twins how to fight so that they could take better care of themselves.


Agimar was ready and eager to learn whatever his parents had to teach him. He was keen to learn how to fight, how to fight with a blade, how to move and fight around in armour, how to be a sharpest shooter with a bow. He readily applied himself often trying to improve and outdo himself. Against his better judgment and wisdom, he was keen to try new flashy battle techniques that were lofty and impractical and even tried to wield weapons that weren’t exactly suited for him to wield. Though this behavior at first is rather humorous to watch, his father found it rather troublesome and dangerous and tired to reign him in.

Briar on the other hand didn't apply herself the way her twin did. She often spaced out and focused on her own interests and studies. Their mother, in an effort to motivate Briar to train and care more, told her the story of how half-vampires were made and the cruelty of vampires. Briar was determined to join the fight against vampires in her own way.


Once the twins were of age, parents thought that it was best if they split ways for a while to continue to further their goals. Their mother and Briar left to continue the fight against the undead scourge and vampires. However Agimar and their father were left behind as their father thought it best to create a mercancy band.


In starting this mercenary group known as Vehement Rose, Agimar’s father thought that this would be a great opportunity to teach his son how to be an effective leader. However the only thing that he noticed was that Agimar’s temperament and fighting style was ill suited for leadership. Agimar was far too reserved  of a person to speak up, not to mention that he often lost focus of his surroundings during combat. Only focusing on the fight in front of him.

Agimar and his father often butted heads over this whole situation. To blow off some steam he would often goof off and get to know the other mercancies in their band. Some had really harsh backgrounds, some were looking for easy money to make to feed their families, some had nowhere to go. One thing was certain, Agimar still took the time to listen to them and befriend them.


The hardest person in the group to befriend was a dwarven blacksmith who was extremely proud of his work and didn’t exactly want a compliment from prissy elves. Eventually this facade eventually cracked once Agimar approached him to create a large, unwieldy weapon to annoy his father. Eventually the two of them bonded over their mutual dislike of elves and became close friends.


Years went on and the mercenary group found themselves in hot water with a noble family known as the Chauverons, who wanted a deal that was unfavourable to the group. Negotiations were stressful and displeasing for Agimar and his father. Simply declining their offer wasn’t exactly favourable either as they had the funds to place a bounty on their heads.


As negotiations were slowly going south, Agimar was on nightwatch and intercepted a band of cloaked trouble makers who wanted to poison and sabotage the group’s supplies. A quick scuffle broke out, but he dealt with them promptly. Only to discover that one of the saboteurs belonged to the noble family.


His father was placed in a difficult situation as the noble family wanted retribution. He knew that if the mercenary group were to leave, a blood bath would ensue. Making the most difficult decision of life, the father told his son to flee the scene, to never return again.


Agimar did as he was told. He felt no remorse for his actions as in his heart of hearts he knew that he protected his comrades from negligent harm. His only concern that he had was finding a new source of steady income.

Bellamy the Familiar

Species: Angelic cat

Fur Colour: A grayscale Calico

Gender: Female

Fighting style: Get Agimar to do it

Class: Spoiled cat

System: pathfinder 1e


A rambunctious winged cat who was born and grew up on the streets in a large village. She values freedom and people’s generosity, and utterly despises people being cruel and abusive. Even as a young kitten, Bellamy was always quick with her paws to smite evil-doers. Thus granting her the title of “Tiny Terror”


The Tiny Terror patrolled the streets, looking for miscreants. Until one day she spotted a wizard showing off his spells on her street cat friends. As soon as the last spell was fired. Bellamy quickly engaged in combat and took the wizard’s life. 


Many of the townsfolk grew terrified of the cat and attempts to capture her always failed. It was as if the cat was smarter than the people trying to catch her. Soon the Tiny Terror set her sights on a new target, an apprehensive half-drow. At first he seemed like an easy target to take down, however he seemed to be made out of sturdier stuff.


Bellamy decided that it was best to follow this half dark elf and learn his secrets and find a way to tame him.

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